Cooperation agreement between the EGTC Euregio Senza Confini and the LAGs of the CLLD HEurOpen Strategy

Firma dell'accordo operativo GECT-GAL HEurOpen. Da sinistra, il Direttore del GAL Euroleader, il Direttore del GECT, il Direttore del GAL Hermagor e il Direttore del GAL Open Leader.

Firma dell'accordo operativo GECT-GAL HEurOpen. Da sinistra, il Direttore del GAL Euroleader, il Direttore del GECT, il Direttore del GAL Hermagor e il Direttore del GAL Open Leader.

After signing the cooperation agreement between the EGTC Euregio Senza Confine and the Local Action Groups (GAL) of the HEurOpen and Dolomiti Live strategies on 15 June, we have taken another step to strengthen cross-border cooperation and make it even more operational.

On 12 July 2023, at the headquarters of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in Tolmezzo, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Director of the EGTC, Dr. Sandra Sodini, and the three Directors of the LAGs of CLLD-Management HEurOpen strategy, i.e. the Director of the LAG Euroleader, Dr. Stefano Santi, the Director of the LAG Open Leader, Dr. Barbara Matellon, and the Director of the LAG of the Hermagor region, Mag. Friedrich Veider.

It is an operational agreement that aims to strengthen the HEurOpen strategy in the area thanks to constant collaboration. Concretely, the cooperation will be developed, strengthened and implemented on the basis of 11 actions that will be carried out jointly by the signatories. Through these joint actions, local actors will be able to cooperate across borders and recognize their mutual added value.

The agreement will apply until the closure of the cooperation program "(Interreg VI-A) Italy-Austria" 2021-2027.

It will be a synergistic work that will help to grow and consolidate both the EGTC and the LAGs involved, but above all it will contribute to the achievement of greater cohesion and enhancement of the territory and the populations involved.

Firma Accordo GECT-GAL HEurOpen

Firma Accordo GECT-GAL HEurOpen