Award for Sustainability

The EGTC Euregio Senza Confini is promoting an initiative in the form of a "Sustainability Award" to support and promote projects dedicated to the topic of sustainability in the Euregio Area.

BUDGET 180.000,00

The Environmental Sustainability Award was first promoted by the EGTC Euregio Senza Confini r.l. in 2022. The aim of the first edition of the Award was to support light projects for the recovery of cultural heritage with the active involvement of local communities in the Euregio Area, composed of the Regions Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Carinthia.

In view of the success of the last edition, the EGTC has decided to once again propose the Sustainability Award in 2024, this time focusing on the theme of Sustainable Mobility, in particular the mobility of people.

In fact, the area of the three Regions is characterised by several good practices, initiatives and projects that the EGTC intends to valorise and capitalise on, favouring environmental, social and economic development and taking into account the impact on the territory.

The promoters of the award-winning initiatives will be identified as "Sustainability Ambassadors", thus strengthening and expanding a cross-border network that was established thanks to the first edition of the Prize. These Ambassadors will thus be able to act as multipliers in promoting the Euregio Area's message of sustainability. The prize is also intended to help strengthen territorial ties both within the EGTC territory and with the EGTC itself.

The prizes should therefore be used to strengthen and capitalise on the award-winning initiatives and to increase cohesion in the EGTC area under the banner of sustainability.

For more information on the 2022 Edition: Premio per la sostenibilità 2022

For more information on the 2024 Edition: Premio per la sostenibilità 2024

Premio sostenibilità

Premio sostenibilità
Award for Sustainability News
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