Who we are
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) "Euregio Senza Confini" is a public body with autonomous legal personality and economic and managerial autonomy, with its own staff and based in Trieste.
Founded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Veneto Region and the Land Carinthia, it aims to favor, facilitate and promote cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation in the European Union (EU) among its components, implementing common projects for the development of the territories.
“Economic and social cohesion” and “economic, social and cultural ties between populations” are thus strengthened, contributing to the development of the respective territories.
Ensuring the well-being and promoting the development of the cross-border area of the three regions together is the institutional goal of the EGTC - Euregio Senza Confini.

President of the EGTC "Euregio Senza Confini r.l." and Landeshauptmann of the Land of Carinthia since 28 March 2013.
Born on 27th November 2012 in accordance with the Regulation (EC) nr. 1082/2006, EGTC Euregio Senza Confini is made up of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Veneto Region and the Land of Carinthia and it aims to be a common management instrument for the three Regions. Border regions are places where the process of European integration should be viewed in a particularly positive way: it should be possible to carry out all daily activities (studying, working, training, providing assistance or doing business) regardless of the existence of national borders. However, the data collected by the European Commission ( COM 2017, 534) show that border regions generally achieve less positive results from an economic point of view than other regions located in more internal areas of their respective Member States.
The EGTC Euregio Senza Confini, born mainly as a common instrument of political management of the three Regions, could take on a very important role to implement those actions that can contribute to greater economic and social cohesion of our borders.
The EGTC promotes cross-border cooperation by implementing common projects for the development of the respective territories and it is also involved in three Macro-Regions:

President of the Veneto Region since 7th April 2010
For the Land Carinthia, for the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Veneto Region, beyond the cooperation within the EGTC, there is the possibility of networking and strengthening cooperation with existing platforms, such as the Working Community of European border regions (AGEG) or the Cross-border Operational Mission (MOT), thus also having the opportunity to present the needs of the cross-border community in the European offices to strengthen the instruments for citizens living in the area of the EGTC Euregio Senza Confini.
The current President of the EGTC "Euregio Senza Confini r.l." is Dr. Peter Kaiser, Governor of the Land of Carinthia.

President of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia since 3 May 2018
During the Fourteenth Assembly of the EGTC on 19.06.2019, the establishment of the "Committee of components and associated partners for European programming and for the implementation of the macro-regional strategies of the European Union" was unanimously resolved in order to accompany the process of the participation of new members.
On 29/10/2019 the President of the Istrian Region, Fabrizio Radin, represented the will of the Istrian region to be part, as an observer member, of the aforementioned Committee. This request was approved by the Fifteenth Assembly of the EGTC.
The involvement of the Istrian region opens a window for greater development of the EGTC with respect to the Danube Region.